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Discover Patient Experiences with Dr. Judy E. Vansiea | 5-Star Reviews and Testimonials

Judy E. Vansiea, DNP, MA, MS, APRN, NPP

Psychiatry located in Uniondale, NY
Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions of Americans. The disorder often leads to self-destructive behavior, flashbacks, depression, and substance abuse. With telehealth appointments and at Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services in Kansas and Uniondale, New York, Judy E. Vansiea, DNP, MA, MS, APRN, NPP, works with veterans and others suffering from PTSD. A veteran herself, Dr. Vansiea can provide expert diagnosis and customized treatment for PTSD. If you’re troubled by PTSD, call the office or book your appointment online. Telehealth appointments are available for those residing in Kansas and the boroughs of New York such as Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Services continue to be available as well to Nassau and Suffolk Counties and all residents of the state of New York and Kansas; along with all college students needing services within New York and Kansas.


PTSD develops after you live through a traumatic experience, such as combat, domestic abuse, or a personal assault. Only a fraction of people who experience trauma develop PTSD, but when they do — it can be life-altering and debilitating.

Feeling anxious or emotionally charged after trauma is completely normal, but, in most cases, these feelings ease with time. If you have PTSD, however, you may find that your symptoms worsen over time instead of getting better.

PTSD causes symptoms that fall into four categories:


It’s common to have people, events, or places that trigger memories or flashbacks of the traumatic event. If you dramatically change your behavior to avoid these triggers or avoid discussing the trauma, you may be exhibiting avoidance.

Negative thoughts

PTSD can take a toll on your self-esteem. You may feel like you deserved what happened because you’re a bad person or become extremely distrustful of others. Negative thoughts can cause you to isolate yourself from family and friends.

Heightened arousal

You may find yourself easily startled or always on defense, waiting for something bad to happen. This can make it difficult to sleep or concentrate. To numb the sensations of heightened arousal, you may start to abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol.

Intrusive memories

Memories of the trauma you experienced can haunt you when you have PTSD. You may have nightmares, flashbacks, or vivid dreams. Intrusive memories can cause you to feel like you’re reliving the trauma.

As a veteran herself, Dr. Vansiea has an understanding of experiences that can lead to PTSD. She works with you to develop a PTSD management plan so you can restore a healthy, vibrant life.

Your treatment plan includes cognitive behavioral therapy and psychopharmacology — medications to help you manage symptoms and overcome the impact the disorder has on your quality of life.

Dr. Vansiea also provides support for lifestyle changes that can help you manage PTSD, including meditation, dietary changes, and increased physical activity. If you’ve turned to drugs or alcohol to help you cope with unpleasant PTSD symptoms, Dr. Vansiea helps you find new ways to manage without destructive addiction.

You don’t have to live with uncontrolled PTSD. Call Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services or book an appointment online to receive help for managing your condition.