Accepting New and Telehealth Patient
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects millions of Americans. The disorder often leads to self-destructive behavior, flashbacks, depression, and substance abuse. With telehealth appointments and at Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services in Kansas and Uniondale, New York, Judy E. Vansiea, DNP, MA, MS, APRN, NPP, works with veterans and others suffering from PTSD. A veteran herself, Dr. Vansiea can provide expert diagnosis and customized treatment for PTSD. If you’re troubled by PTSD, call the office or book your appointment online. Telehealth appointments are available for those residing in Kansas and the boroughs of New York such as Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island. Services continue to be available as well to Nassau and Suffolk Counties and all residents of the state of New York and Kansas; along with all college students needing services within New York and Kansas.
A brief psychotic disorder is an episodic psychiatric condition. If you have it, you experience short and sudden periods of psychotic symptoms like hallucinations or delusions. These episodes are temporary and typically don’t last long. They can be as short as one day or last for an entire month.
It’s important to seek treatment for a brief psychotic disorder if it affects you because the episodes can put you at a higher risk of violent or dangerous behavior. While the cause of brief psychotic disorders is not known, episodes often occur after traumatic life events like the death of a loved one or a physical assault. You might not be able to predict episodes, but successful treatment can help you reduce your chances of future episodes as well as help you learn to manage symptoms when they occur.
Symptoms vary with a brief psychotic disorder, and someone else might notice them before you realize that something is wrong. During an episode, you might experience:
When you come to Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services with symptoms of brief psychotic disorder, Dr. Vansiea interviews you to evaluate your responses and behaviors. She may look for an underlying mental health condition causing your symptoms, like schizophrenia, major depression, or bipolar disorder.
Your treatment for brief psychotic disorder is highly individualized. Generally, Dr. Vansiea recommends a multi-treatment approach for the best possible outcome. She monitors you throughout your treatment and can make changes to your plan if it isn’t working well for you. She might recommend:
One-on-one psychotherapy sessions with Dr. Vansiea can help you process and understand your thoughts and behaviors. During psychotherapy, you can develop healthy coping mechanisms. Your regular visits allow Dr. Vansiea to check in with you and monitor your treatment.
Antipsychotic medications can reduce psychotic symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. Dr. Vansiea monitors you closely and can adjust your dosage if necessary.
A brief psychotic disorder can put you at a higher risk of depression. If you have symptoms of depression, Dr. Vansiea might add antidepressant medications to your treatment plan.
To get help managing a brief psychotic disorder, call Coping Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Services, or book an appointment online today.
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